8000 Fake Social Media Handles Operating across World Identified in 2023, Tasked to incite Trouble, Glamorize Terrorism in J&K: DGP Swain

Taha Yaseen
2 Min Read

On Dec 30, J&K police wasn’t fighting against the gun-wielding terrorists only but also the false narrative being spread by hundreds of fake social media handles of which 8000 we’re identified in 2023. These fake handles are tasked to incite trouble and glorify terrorism, Director General of Police (DGP) RR Swain.

The battle of security forces is not against terrorists only but against the narrative which is being spread by hundreds of fake social media handles of which 8000 fake social media handles—facebook, twitter and instagram. Their handlers are sitting across the world and their aim is to incite trouble and glorify terrorism. They peddle wrong information. Police is acting against them under the ambit of law after differentiating the genuine and not-genuine. “We will act against them under IT Act 61. If need arises, we will catch-hold of them through Interpol.”DGP Jammu and Kashmir Police

Narco-Terror Links found in Turkey, Canda, Paris: The year 2024 will witness a decisive battle against Narco-Terror. “The links between narco-terror, separatism and terrorism was already nailed in 2023,” he said

“Links of narco-terrorism have been found in Kashmir to Jammu to Punjab and Delhi. Other links including the handlers were traced in Paris, Canada and Turkey. In the recent case of the Ramban narco-terror module, the mastermind was traced in Turkey.”

Cyber Crime, a lot more needs to be done: DGP Swain stated that police is mindful about cybercrime and the fact is that this crime is going under-reported and affecting more people than what police actually knows. We are upgrading the system and lot more needs to be done to prevent cybercrimes, adding that large amount was traced and given back to the people who were cheated through internet fraud and digital world frauds.

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