Taha Yaseen
5 Min Read

Faith in wrath of God protects a man from using his power, energy and weaponry from employing it to cause misery, terror to the people. It’s the religion that places a limit on exercise of might by inducing a sense of good and bad. Same feeling regurgitates the responsibility towards humanity within, and if this feeling dies due to some reason at that time a man is only a beast in human sculpture. the terrorists have no religion as such they are beasts having no feeling of fundamental rights, duties towards a society or, sense of respect for life of the people. More so they know only to achieve their loathful ends in whatever way possible for them, for them no rules are applicable, this way the massacres are common for them and no drop of blood vibrate their conscience either it be of a baby only. The world has gone through the thousands of terror incidents but the perpetuity in attacks happening in Kashmir dive deeper into damage to the generations of generations leaving the youth absolutely in confusions, where they leak their ideas into alienation and seek refuge in drugs in one case and if another will be considered then roots of the terrorism devastate the future and topography of the peaceful population.

No religion does propagate the terrorism unless the values are attached to it by the ill-minded, who use the religion for their own purposes and disdain it. The terrorism in Kashmir hasn’t anything to do with the religion, otherwise all students from Madrassa’s would been in lines of militancy. Now few of the terrorist organizations mingle the religion to dupe the common people and get the benefits out of it, yet if people understand the real intention many incidents of terrorism could be stopped and hundreds of lives may be saved, bread-earners of thousands of families can be sheltered and the region may take a breath of relief from the unstoppable roars of the gun. People must know that religion ought not to be spotted with the stains of blood, otherwise extremism may take rise with ignorance and lack of wit in basic understanding of the religion. Show me where does any religion approve any killing of masses? Then why does these terrorists keep on taking refuge in wraps of the religion. Hence, when the feeling of humanity dry up in heart ad mind of a gunmen he should be eliminated immediately and its collective responsibility of the people to help the security forces to nab them all.

Eye for an eye can only promote destruction, but to understand the real aim and objective of things will aid understanding of basic problems in the region and scholastic way is the lone path finder to end of violence, ultra-orthodoxy and narrow-mindedness of society or its different pillars- scholars, thinkers, religious heads and leaders. no Hitler or, Gadaffi has ever turned out to be the peace promoter, rather they incurred more ire in lives of the people. One who still believes in killing and not taking lessons from the history can be only a one-eyed mind holder, or staunch supporter of violence who is himself a accomplice, unethical war-monger.

All religions place a limit within which things are legitimate and someone trying to step out of it should drop the name even offered to him by the religion of his ancestors. Terrorism can only retrograde a country and never could it advance some area. terrorists have no religion other than curse to onslaught peace, lives and prosperity.

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