Directing the Energies of Our Kashmiri Youth

Asma Noor
3 Min Read

“The power of youth is the common wealth for the entire world. The faces of young people are the faces of our past, our present and our future. No segment in the society can match with the power, idealism, enthusiasm and courage of the young people.” – Kailash Satyarthi

It is a well-known fact that the youth of Kashmir is a great asset. They are indeed the future of the country and represent it at every level. The role of Kashmiri youth in nation-building is more important than one might think of. In other words, the intelligence and skillful youth of Kashmir will take the country on the path of more success. As every citizen of country is equally responsible, the youth of Kashmir is too.

They are the building blocks of a country.  The youth of Kashmir is important because they will be our future. Today they might be our partners, tomorrow they will go on to become leaders. The youth of Kashmir is very energetic and enthusiastic. They have the ability to learn and adapt to the environment. Similarly, they are willing to learn and act on it as well to achieve their goals. Our youth can bring social reform and improvement in society. We cannot make do without the youth of a country. Furthermore, the nation requires their participation to achieve the goals and help in taking the country towards progress.

They simply need to be handled with care, as many ailments are outside, who always poke in to cause a misery to the land of valleys. A simple well interaction shall explain to a person the diligence of thinking, working and respect for the other communities. Kashmiri youth is way more intelligent than the intellectuals, as the conditions they have been in have amalgamated them into a high class thinker. Every second person has the knowledge of the politics, economics and other fields. It now depends upon us leaders and other stake holders to direct and guide them through these tough times. Once the things become clear, the energies could be maintained and used for various competitions and challenges.

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