Connivance of Religious Extremists and Separatists Resulting in Human Loss

Asma Noor
4 Min Read

Kashmir lost a significant part of their population to the terrorism indoctrinated from the money-makers, a real threat to the peace in the valley. Our constitution gives freedom to practice and preach religion (Article 25 says “all persons are equally entitled to freedom of conscience and the right to freely profess, practice, and propagate religion subject to public order, morality and health.” Further, Article 26 says that all denominations can manage their own affairs in matters of religion.) But under immunity of the article viles like haterd, communalism rose with the constant support and sympathy to propagate the doctine. A huge number of lives were lost. At a single glance, things won’t seem stagnant for such a ruination, however the truth is covetous that ordinary researcher can’t find out. The approach is soft but the consistency in the operations of fueling the minds sow seeds which are highly contagious.

The day to day attacks though of low intensity is one culmination of such fortified indoctrination. It has several layers to reach, and it reaches the set target through reactions from the security network. Harsh reaction from the alert security forces cement the doctrination further. The cycle of violence is imbedded in the basic teachings, which otherwise is over-exageration of certain terms. Populace with meager knowledge fall easily to the tricks played. Making furious speeches in the places of public domain are drained for attention of the agencies, who infuse the amount to limp the situation some more.

What needs to be done is to create an indigenous hate for such events and the people carrying such activities, spread of the basic religious knowledge in people to undo the effect of these violent scribes. When people shall come on roads against the miscreants, they’ll down their towered ideas of hate. They should be asked for debates on the said topics, more reaseach scholars would be needed to tackle them. The truth shall prevail in all its situations and the crimes against humanity will start to fade.

Notedly, the great scholars of Islam were of Sufi Faction, who have a zero record of the violence. They’d preffered to preach in isolation. And none of the new style religious scholars have a spine to call them with stupidity or, outdate their scriptures. A revival for the sake of revival is direly required. If we dig deep into the discourse, we may find out terms – manipulated by preachers to score high in public domain, which earn them a huge money that too in name of the Allah. How absurd!

innocent Kashmiris must introspect to find them out, and read, listen to a person who’s not the enemy of Islam and a destructor of the Humanity. Islam means peace and where do we find peace now. just two days back, 24 people were wounded and two lost life. One an elderly man, another a 12th class topper, whose father toiled hard to rose her daughter as a son and to teach her MBBS. Frankly speaking, this isn’t peace anymore but rather something more dangerous and the menace is that the whole cycle moves inside the boundary of Islam. Its a blot on Islam, which we need to wipe out, as early as possible.

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