A Race from Gunmen to Terrorists

Asma Noor
3 Min Read

Kashmir has been an ocean of simplicity from earlier on, its civilization amalgamated simplicity within its culture, and it became a crown of her earned-name in the world. World has not much places like India has Kashmir, the beauty, hospitality and a sense of simplicity that is witnessed here finds no instance elsewhere. Thus many eyes are mongering on this piece of land to dissemble the situation down here right from its merger into Indian Union. India a largest democracy, a singular lord of humanity; spread the message of peace across the world. South Africa got the maiden spark for rise against injustice and discrimination from India, and that oppression faded, credit goes to India. History bears witness India is great.

The interests of world never ceased in this piece of land, especially Pakistan and China hand-in-hand both were shifting gears to capture most of it. Well, they couldn’t do so but the proxies they sent created many problems, further somehow they are still managing to instigate and sponsor the terrorism in Kashmir and round.

The war of narratives still continue, the bloody game plundered trillions and terrorism, a worst nightmare shook the pillars of Kashmir. The terminology used by the terror sponsors is readily copied, used and the half-baked journalists and it becomes common. Consequently, nation is harmed and later it becomes hard to counter one word when it every second tongue copies it. Unfortunately, the terrorists called as gunmen by many media houses reserve some prejudices.

There is a need for change in attitude, and the guild of journalists must oversee the local and ‘two-days’ reporters to undo the harm caused by the language use. A narrative is prolonged use of terminology added by few philosophical ideas to heavy weight it for the validation. Unless, it isn’t finalized peace won’t take roots deep, as the psychological point that gives ready-made esteem, valor, confidence and insight to a terrorist is local emancipation. End the tidy journalism to put an end to the ideological terrorism being propagated by the passive attackers. Conclusively, forming a deep think tank for the emergence of unabated violence.

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