On 31 Aug 2006, terrorists intruded into house of Mohammad Sultan Wagay in Baramulla district and shot dead his daughter Haseena Akthar

Rubeena Wani
3 Min Read

August 31, 2006, a day that will forever be etched in the memories of the people of Kashmir, a day when the innocence of a young girl was brutally snuffed out by the hands of terrorism. Haseena Akthar, the daughter of Mohammad Sultan Wagay, was shot dead by terrorists who intruded into their home in Dangiwacha, Baramulla. This heinous act was not an isolated incident, but a part of a larger pattern of violence and intimidation perpetrated by Pakistan-backed terrorists in Kashmir.

For decades, Pakistan has been sending its terrorist mercenaries to Kashmir, fueling a separatist movement that has claimed thousands of lives and left countless families shattered. These terrorists, often trained and armed by Pakistan’s military and intelligence agencies, have been wreaking havoc in the region, targeting civilians, security forces, and anyone who dares to stand up to their ideology of hate and violence.

Haseena’s killing was a senseless act of brutality, a stark reminder of the horrors that terrorism has unleashed in Kashmir. Her family, like countless others, was torn apart by the violence, left to pick up the pieces of a shattered life. The pain and anguish that they endured can never be fully comprehended, but it is a pain that has become all too familiar in Kashmir.

The people of Kashmir have been living under the shadow of terrorism for far too long, their lives dictated by the whims of terrorists and their masters in Pakistan. But even in the face of such overwhelming violence, the resilience and courage of the Kashmiri people have never wavered. They have continued to hope for a better future, a future free from the scourge of terrorism.

As we remember Haseena and countless others like her, we must also remember the perpetrators of these heinous acts. Pakistan’s role in fueling terrorism in Kashmir cannot be ignored or downplayed. The international community must hold them accountable for their actions, and work towards a solution that brings peace and prosperity to the region.

The memory of Haseena Akthar and all the victims of terrorism in Kashmir will never be forgotten. Their sacrifice will not be in vain, for it has strengthened the resolve of the people to fight against terrorism and to build a better future for themselves and their children.

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