September 5, 2005, remains an indelible scar on the collective memory of Jammu and Kashmir, a poignant reminder of the devastating consequences of terrorism on innocent lives. On that fateful day, a group of terrorists launched a brutal assault on the residence of Nazakat Ali in Char Village, Doda, Jammu, callously claiming the lives of Nazakat, along with two courageous Special Police Officers, Liaquat Ali and Noor Mohammad.
This tragic incident is one of innumerable others that have ravaged the region, leaving an enduring legacy of grief, fear, and uncertainty. The relentless wave of terrorism has claimed countless lives, including those of civilians, security personnel, and even children, casting a long and ominous shadow over the daily lives of Kashmiris. The people of this beleaguered region have endured unimaginable suffering, their dreams and aspirations held hostage by the specter of terror.
The martyrdom of Nazakat Ali, Liaquat Ali, and Noor Mohammad stands as a powerful testament to the human cost of terrorism, a stark reminder of the sacrifices made by innocent lives caught in the crossfire of violence. Their memory continues to inspire a steadfast resolve to combat the forces of terror, to uphold the values of peace, justice, and humanity, and to forge a future where such senseless acts of violence are a distant memory