Homestays Surge to 1,942 as 457 New Ones Open Last Year in Kashmir

Suhail Wani
4 Min Read

In a remarkable development, the number of homestays in Jammu and Kashmir has reached a staggering 1,942, with 457 new ones opening up last year. This surge in homestays is aimed at accommodating the record-breaking influx of tourists to Kashmir, which has seen a significant increase in recent times. The concept of homestays is flourishing as the tourist numbers are breaking records of the previous years.

Tourist Arrivals Break Records

As per the figures, as many as 15.65 lakh tourist arrivals were recorded till June in Kashmir. This surge in tourist arrivals has led to a corresponding increase in the demand for accommodation, and homestays have emerged as a viable solution to cater to this growing need. The bed capacity in the region has also seen a significant increase, reaching 14,180 with the addition of 1,180 new beds last year.

Homestays Emerge as a Solution

Homestays are now coming up in large numbers across various picturesque locations in Kashmir, including the capital city of Srinagar, Tangmarg, Sonmarg, and Doodhpathri. The trend is also catching on in border areas like Gurez and Keran, where homestays are providing an opportunity for local residents to capitalize on the influx of tourists. Officials at the tourism department have stated that more homestays are expected to come up in the coming years as people apply for permission to set up homestays and guest houses.

Benefits of Homestays

The idea of homestays and guest houses will increase the bed capacity of Kashmir to accommodate even swelling tourist numbers. During peak season, the majority of the hotels in Kashmir report full occupancy, leaving budget category tourists to suffer. However, the surge in homestays is expected to solve this problem, as homestays and guest houses become relatively cheaper for tourists. By staying in registered homestays, visitors can experience the hospitality of local families and gain insights into the culture and traditions of Jammu and Kashmir.

Current Tourist Accommodation Capacity

The total registered capacity for tourist accommodation in Kashmir currently stands at 62,488 beds, which include all the hotels of A, B, and C category, as well as Guest Houses and Houseboats. The ‘A’ category hotels in Srinagar have an 8,778-bed capacity, ‘B’ category hotels have a 7,036 bed capacity, ‘C’ category hotels have a 10,500 bed capacity, Guest Houses have a 17,114 bed capacity, and the registered operational Houseboats have a 4,462 bed capacity.

A New Era of Opportunities

The surge in homestays in Kashmir is not just a testament to the region’s growing popularity as a tourist destination, but also a beacon of hope for the local community. It represents a new era of opportunities, where locals can take charge of their own destiny and create a sustainable livelihood. As the homestay movement continues to gain momentum, it has the potential to transform the lives of countless individuals, fostering economic growth, cultural exchange, and a deeper understanding of the region’s rich heritage. Let us embrace this revolution with open arms and create a brighter future for generations to come.

Benefits of Peace and Tranquility

The surge in homestays in Kashmir is a welcome development, providing an opportunity for local residents to benefit from the tourism industry while offering tourists a unique and authentic experience. As the number of homestays continues to grow, it is expected to have a positive impact on the local economy and help in promoting tourism in the region.

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