Arms tussle- A foolish choice for dominance

Asma Noor
3 Min Read

World had witnessed thousands of the armed battles, unquoted and quoted inside pages of the history. Vast kingdoms lost their per-eminence with an urge to head on for the fight the weak or subtle kingdoms. The warrior-ticket in the common minds consequently provided them an a substantial hype which furthered the greed for more wars or, battles. World lost the wise men; women and plot-bearers from the pulpit, where their roles could have stunned the mankind. But for the sake of dominance, those game-changers were swept away like dust from the ground by a brisk wind.

Collectively, we have lost the right to call ourselves seed of wake-up from this slumberous apathy which engulfed and is still catching the men into its black-hole. We often see for ourselves, how even with the slightest of knowledge- we spew out the hatred that costs loss of wealth; men, machinery and upper hand of dominance to undo the effect that once together we offered to the roots of the disease. We have had to spend huge budget on defending ourselves from the other fellow men ironically having body parts that we have. Where does the sequence go wrong?

The vile of dominance and war of perceptions bury the whole treasury of humanism and walk over it like a winner. Many parts of the world face separatism- sponsored by the hate-mongers for their welfare destabilizing the region. But once the plan is public the cleverly trick turns around like three fingers while pointing towards the one. Thus the best thing is to spread love, and do the rightful, needful and absorb the little drops of anger.

The whole world must learn from wars, merely destruction is the result. The money invested in war machinery if implemented in welfare activities, even stones start to melt. And the harms, losses of nearer and dearers can’t be thrown out of minds. Today’s endurance can lead to the better future tomorrow, where history would pick no trace for trickier to spread hatred . But if wounds remain increasing, the warmth of time won’t be able to solace the next generation of the victim.

No war can solve the conflict, it splits the opinions and ideologies come out with strength, where no butter in the world can satisfy its logic for the rise. A new era should erupt now to vanish all the gaps, differences and people should be loved more. Thus, a new future will emerge with fruits of development and no requirement of weaponry would be felt.

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