Triumph of Shopian: Curbing Drug Use Among Children in South Kashmir

Suhail Wani
5 Min Read

In a remarkable achievement, Shopian district in South Kashmir has been recognized as the best performing district in the country for preventing drug use among children. This accomplishment is a result of the district administration’s tireless efforts to implement a joint action plan on “Prevention of Drug and Substance Abuse Among Children and Illicit Trafficking” prepared by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) and the Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB).

The Prevalence of Drug Addiction in Kashmir Valley

The Kashmir Valley has been grappling with the issue of drug addiction, with patients as young as nine years old seeking treatment. The District De-addiction Centre in SMHS Hospital, Srinagar, has reported an alarming rate of one patient visiting the OPD every 12 minutes on average. However, Shopian has bucked this trend through its proactive measures.

Measures Taken by Shopian District Administration

Over the last two years, the district administration has taken several measures to control the availability of drugs among minors and the sale of over-the-counter drugs. Some of these initiatives include:

  1. Formation of ‘Prahari’ Clubs in Schools: These clubs comprise groups of students who function as models for their peers and monitors, checking on their fellow students and informing the relevant authorities about any drug-related activities.
  2. CCTV Monitoring of Pharmacies: The district has brought 420 pharmacies under CCTV cover to prevent the sale of Categories H and H1 drugs over the counter.
  3. Digitization of Sales and Record-Keeping: Pharmacies have been encouraged to digitize their sales and record-keeping to prevent the sale of habit-forming drugs.
  4. Enhanced Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Drugs: The district has enhanced monitoring of the sale of pharmaceutical drugs, particularly those categorized as narcotics or habit-forming.
  5. Awareness Programs: The district has conducted awareness programs to educate students about the effects of drug abuse.

Results of the Initiatives

The initiatives taken by the Shopian district administration have yielded impressive results. According to district police data:

  • 44 cases were registered under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) Act in 2022, which rose to 90 cases in 2023.
  • 39 cases have been registered under the NDPS Act as of last month in the current year.
  • Contraband seizure has also increased, with 184 kg of charas seized in 2022, rising to 221 kg in 2023.
  • Other substances like poppy straw, brown sugar, and codeine have also been seized by local police over the last three years.

Role of District Social Welfare Department

The District Social Welfare (DSW) department has played a crucial role in implementing the action plan. The Juvenile Justice Board has been tracking cases of drug abuse among minors, and a Special Juvenile Police officer has been appointed to work alongside child welfare committees to track substance abuse in educational institutions.

Future Plans

The district administration plans to further strengthen its efforts to prevent drug use among children. A drug de-addiction centre will soon be functional, and the police have stepped up their enforcement by way of checkpoints, targeting known drug peddlers. The Excise Department is also in the process of destroying poppy, and more than 450 kanals of land have been made poppy-free.

Shopian’s Triumph

Shopian’s triumph in curbing drug use among children is a shining example of what can be achieved when collective effort and determination come together. By implementing a comprehensive joint action plan, Shopian has demonstrated that even the most daunting challenges can be overcome. As we celebrate this remarkable achievement, we are reminded that the fight against drug addiction is far from over. However, with Shopian leading the way, we can draw inspiration and hope for a brighter future.

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